Breathe Deep
Breathe deep and know that He is good
The idea of breath has been coming up so much lately I had to write about it. Very similar or related to the Bread of Life, sustenance in a way. I recently heard Him speak to me during a quiet communion with a few friends, “Breathe in My provision, breathe out My love.” I felt like He was reminding me how utterly dependent we are on His every breath filling our lungs naturally as a reminder of what He does to fill us and provide for us spiritually. Right now the world is desperate for peace, comfort, freedom and community. All of this is provided in Him and all we have to do is engage our lungs. But sometimes that can feel monumental. I have noticed physically this week, that I have not taken a truly full and deep breath since having covid. Perhaps I have but I can’t remember! I recognized how shallow my breaths were and also the tension I was physically carrying that I didn’t realize. It’s hard to be filled if I don’t receive deeply. As I felt a physical rest in my body and release of tension when I chose to breathe deeply over and over, I started to recognize the spiritual implications and how it seems our culture has been, even the church, has possibly been ‘breathing shallow’ the last few years. Whether out of sheer exhaustion, or confusion, despair or fear, when we can breathe deeply of His provision in every area of our lives, the tension begins to melt and as lungs fill to overflowing, we find there is a fresh reserve that longs to empty out with love.
Over the last few weeks hearing about the movement of God over Asbury University in the little town of Wilmore, Kentucky, I can’t help but sense a stirring in our nation, a blowing of new ‘winds’ across this place, so long ago dreamed of. In the same week as the words about breath I felt He gave me, I was at several different gatherings where it came up as well! And I also had a woman from California reach out who wanted me to commission a custom piece about Breath. As I was creating the piece for her when the words, I didn’t even know were part of a bible verse, came to mind to incorporate. While I created, I knew it was not only a word for her, but what He was doing on a grander scale. The verse came from Ezekiel 37:9 and says;
9Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’ ”
I will put breath in you
He says
We must be filled before we can speak life on others
Through His provision in every breath, may you breathe deep the love of the Father who wants to fill you again with fresh strength. Like a new wind in your lungs may you step into a new season of hope and life.