“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life”
John 6:68 NIV
“The Scriptures say; Bread alone will not satisfy, but true life is found in every word that constantly goes forth from God’s mouth.”
Matthew 4:4 TPT
Taste the words of life
Bread crumbs for a life full of the Father’s truth and love are daily accessible. Words of Life found in His eternal word, but also along the path He speaks a thousand and one different ways. Today I felt led to share with you what I hear as I picture Jesus extending His hand to you and me;
“I’ve been here for it all. I won’t fail you now. Better than the year before. I take you from glory to glory when you yield to Me. I will take you deeper. Trust Me alone. People will fail you. I won’t fail you. Put your trust in Me. I will deliver you from all your fears. I will set you on a rock. I will give you more than enough. Trust Me to provide. That doesn’t just mean food and things. Because you know and have seen Me provide material needs, trust Me now to provide companionship at just the right time. And do not forsake meeting with Me. There is a battle right now for your allegiance, your time… your attention… your trust. All your hope is inside Me. Sit at My feet every morning for your direction. I do have things to say, and love to fill you with. Don’t doubt. It looks different than you thought. Stop looking to people for what I want to fill you with. I am here. I am enough, and more. The drier the land, the deeper the roots have to go to reach water, and the sturdier the plant is to withstand the harsh conditions. Some even produce flowers in the desert. Take courage and press in. I am here with you in it all. In the desert and the garden.”
The Drier the land
the deeper the roots
Whether you are trudging through a valley or desert,
a mountaintop or garden,
I bless your journey today with His sustaining words of Life.