

Reflections on Landscape; Artist Process


“Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks” Luke 6:45.


So it was the strangest thing. I woke up the other morning with that word in my mind and on my heart. I had a dream that woke me up with those thoughts and an image of a pitcher. This pitcher was actually one I had seen before at an art conference years before. This clay, hand crafted pitcher, suspended in mid-air was pouring out from a seemingly endless and impossible source.

The artist, a young sculpture artist, Chapman Hamborg, created a masterpiece during several worship sets over the course of the weekend conference. Each session he would silently add and mold and intensely craft this artwork, that poured in layers, into the viewer.


With each creative worship session there grew anticipation, but the lingering lesson every time was obvious. Our God is the provider of impossible overflow, will we trust Him to do it? Will we daily come to Him to be filled to overflowing? I have heard a wise pastor say, a cup is not technically full until it is overflowing. I want to be like that. And since the Lord was reminding me that the overflow of our hearts ends up spilling out in our words, He was also gently reminding me not to forget the source and our never ending need to come to Him. I knew the Lord was reminding me of the provision of overflow. The privilege we have to bear His name, operate in His image, and speak with His heart when we are filled by Him. This piece ‘overflow’ is a reminder of source. Source of life, provision, and the only place I want words to overflow to those around me. Today I extend the invitation to you as you ponder these images.
